Monday, June 18, 2012

Back Scence a few months ago


Its been awhile i didn't post an entry at this blog.
Here the story behind of my days back then start from the previous entry.

 Busy with internship, cosplay, business, meet client, got job, Bad News for me.

The rumors about me is true.~~ maybe this year, due to my illness .

Coronary brain i was assume by hospital letter. In that letter , said that i have 7month to live.
i got this when i go to an event R.A.G.E Malacca , Malaysia(after my best buddies concern about me go make a medical checkup . ).

The symptom shows slowly and during AFA Malaysia at PWTC day 1 or day 2 (during sleeping at my foster family house. waiting my sister for the concert , the pain comes back).

i totally sorry got moody or emotion chance or change face suddenly it all because the symptom itself appearing for short temp and appear back, i just think so immature hahaha. my neck was totally painful .

The only know was my best buddy. My Childhood friend beside that my sister, but maybe doesn't notice of what am saying.

Sorry for quarreling with your Boyfriend and you too sis. sorry folks. thanks to Izzat(childhood friend), my brothers, faiz (terima kasih bagi doa tuu).

sorry for shocking the news suddenly. Just now i want to tell my mom about my condition but i afraid that she definitely shock till death because of her high blood pressure. by the way after this i will keep online only blog for my condition.

Now im taking my medicine Ciao~~~


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