Sunday, July 8, 2012

Not available for awhile. Got Ward Charge ~ 3~

Hi, and very good morning everyone.
Just now i got ward discharge for 2nd time in this year. Since i got this illness. i really glad that this illness really open my eyes so big, such as :-

1 ) I really know who is my friend and who is my enemy.
2 ) Know that some of foster family just be foster .
3 ) I relax my self a lot~~

4 ) Good treats from nurse & the food is nice too. But since i can't so much i just give it to my next partners bed.
Stay good in health people.  Gladly to know some of you who accompany me via texts and call me.
By the way,  before i got ward charge (started)1 day 1/2 ago . i would like to share my new work place.
As you can see, i meet new friends^^.
Starting comfortable with them, they 're so nice & been working with them for this 1 weeks sure make me wanna cry because it reminds me of my late friend Zaidi from Technic School .

Lets recite him AL-FATIHAH for muslim people who ever read this.

Also i will posting my Desk Picture..

Thanks . I will try my best to stay good in shape & change whats Doctor said it to me (As they claimed that i will died on this early of January 2013) I will change that !!! I believe in ALLAH.
Only he knows. Got to go now ^^
remember stay in the shape.

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